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Your Brain on Love

"Understand your brain, improve your relationships". An audiobook on neurobiology and attachment theory. Help "shift out of conflict and into deeper loving connections"


Why Marriages Succeed or Fail

An audiobook studying what makes marriages last. John Gottman's methods to "evaluate, strengthen, and maintain your own long-term relationship".


The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work

A "culmination of [John Gottman's life's work" and contains 7 key principles to guide harmonious relationships.


Hold Me Tight

Tips to "enrich a healthy relationship, revitalize a tired one, or rescue one gone awry".  Emotionally focused therapy viewing relationships as attachment bonds. 


The Body Keeps the Score

"Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma". An essential reading to understand treating stress and anxiety from trauma.


Hardwiring Happiness

New York Times bestseller on how to "counterbalance your brain's negativity bias and learn to hardwire happiness". Shape a lifetime of support and love.


The Gifts of Imperfection

"When our embarrassments and fears lie, we often listen to them anyway. They thwart our gratitude, acceptance, and compassion—our goodness. They insist, “I am not worthy.” But we are worthy—of self-discovery, personal growth, and boundless love."


Living Beautifully: with Uncertainty and Change

"Best-selling author & spiritual teacher, Pema Chodron, shares practices for living with wisdom and integrity even in confusing and uncertain situations."

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